In the south plateau, we have investigated the area directly east of the ancient agora and as far as the western limits of the village of Vasiliko. The generally low visibility in the apricot groves which dominate in the area has impeded the recovery of artifacts.
In tracts with medium to high visibility, density exceeded 500 sherds per squares and in some cases 1,000 sherds per square, as in SP93 to the south-southeast of the agora, and in SP102.02 almost at the center of the area that we have covered. Also of interest are squares SP85.01 to 85.05, just 15 m north-northeast of the long stoa, where the numbers of tiles are much higher than those of sherds. In this case, this may be due to the spoil heaps produced from the old excavations of the agora which over the decades spread in the surrounding area together with the roof tiles that they no doubt contained.
Most prominent of these are the remains of a bath complex, built of mixed masonry, which includes a central apse and a transverse hall. The whole covers an area larger than 350 m2 and is preserved to a maximum height of 3 m.
Among the dozens of scattered architectural members, again primarily ashlar blocks, we recorded many bricks, a few column drums, a fragment of an octagonal column, an anta capital, and several marble pieces.
Among the movable finds, we recorded many grindstones, a few mortaria of olive press installations, slags, loomweights, lamps, and glass pieces. A surprising discovery was an almost intact saucer (mortarium) of an olive press, with interior grooves, nowadays used as a trough.
At the south-eastern knoll of the plateau, we investigated the sloping field exactly to the south-southeast of the ancient and medieval fortification (SP 107), as well as the strongly inclining north-northwest slope of the hill as Special Interface Tract 2.
In SP107, ceramic density was low (below 50 sherds per square) contrary to the density of roof tiles which was relatively high due to the proximity of the wall. At the north-eastern slope of the hill (SIT2) we have mapped successive retaining walls, built in order to create artificial terraces for cultivation, most likely of olives.
On one of these terraces, we found a millstone of an olive press, most likely in situ. Among scattered architectural pieces we retrieved a Doric capital of Classical date.