The layer (Context 4507) that we excavated to the north of Wall 3045, within the zone of the projected street, differed noticeably from the layers encountered within the building. It had clearly more tile fragments, rubble, and pebbles, characteristics that befit a street bed. A special find from this deposit is a bronze cross pendant (MF 2017-91), measuring 5 x 5 cm. Moreover, to explore further the possible road surface that we had identified in 2016 on the northern side of the trench, we opened a small trench, 2 x 1.7 m, near the point where Walls 3016 and the stone Channel 3053 converge. Having taken out these layers (Contexts 3149-3152) we did not come upon a clear road surface, but we discovered a wall oriented east-west (Context 3153) along the northern scarp of the trench. The wall, 0.55 m wide, is made of ashlars and can be followed over a total length of 5.94 m. It appears that it is not preserved to the east, at least within the limits of the trench, but towards the west it continues under the later Wall 3015. If we consider this wall to mark the northern limit of the road and Wall 3045 its southern limit, then the width of this road must have come to 7.6 m.