In the South Plateau we investigated the area south of the agora (SP54-81) as well as the ridge projecting off the south-eastern edge of the plateau (SP82). Ceramic densities in the area south of the agora showed large variation depending on soil condition and cultivation. Concentrations in the range of 400 to 600 sherds or more were observed only in a few squares (around SP 60, 65, 70, 76, 77, 79). At the latter, which is an olive grove with excellent visibility, a square yielded over 900 sherds and 600 tiles, and its adjacent squares densities higher than 600 sherds. Most likely this square represents the nucleus of a habitation with a space reserved for food preparation as betrayed by its associated finds (cookpots, loomweights, lamps, etc.) and the high magnetic responses produced by the gradiometer survey.
Architectural remains, either in situ or discarded, abound. Most common are walls of ashlar masonry which, as in the rest of the plateau, are oriented along the cardinal points, in other words, they were incorporated in the ancient city grid.
Most important is the double wall located in SP81.6, 1 m wide, which seems to belong to the same large complex as the walls located in adjacent squares.
We also located a conglomerate quarry in SP69.3, part of a rubble and mortar wall in SP76.7, and a shaft of a cistern in SP80.3.
Among the movable finds we recorded several grindstones, and in SP79.9 the trapetum of an olive mill, the first that we find within the walls of Sikyon.
Research in the narrow knob projecting off the southeast corner of the plateau (SP82) produced results markedly different from those in the rest of the plateau. The hill itself has undergone severe erosion on all sides, as a result of natural and human activity.
Ceramic densities here are less than 100 sherds per square with the exception of two squares (SP82.5 and 82.23) which have higher concentrations.
What makes this area stand out from the rest of the plateau is first its pottery, mostly prehistoric, medieval, and post medieval, and second the fact that in most squares the number of tiles is twice or even more the number of sherds. Regarding ceramics, its preliminary study showed that they go back at least to the Early Helladic period and continue down to the Late Helladic III, whereas very few sherds can be dated between the Classical and the Roman periods. On the opposite, we observed several sherds and tiles of Byzantine and post-Byzantine date, which are periods that are minimally represented in other areas of the plateau. These observations are important with regard to the Mycenaean presence in the broader area, that was thus far substantiated only by the Mycenaean burials of Tragana, but also vis-a-vis the activity from the Byzantine period onwards when Vasiliko was an important castle of western Corinthia. Many of the roof tiles belong to later periods and most likely relate to defensive works in this naturally fortified hill, with its unimpeded view towards the coastal plain and Acrocorinth. We have located several stone blocks, occasionally in situ, and in SP82.19 part of a rectangular building with ashlar foundations, inner division and east-west orientation. At its eastern end we discerned an apsidal formation, with its preserved upper masonry made of rubble and mortar. It seems that we are dealing with a church of small dimensions built on top of an ancient structure. The study of the pottery retrieved from this area may help us to date the church.