All our trenches were drawn at a scale of 1:25 by A. Gounaris with the help of V. Makresia. Vaitsa Makresia undertook the task of drawing the monuments that were excavated in the agora from the 1920s to the 1940s, and for which we only had the large-scale plans of Anastasios Orlandos (usually at a scale of 1:500). The new, detailed plans were drafted on the basis of orthophotos and in different scales depending on the characteristics, size, and current state of the monument. The temple of Apollo and the bouleuterion were drawn at the scale of 1:25 and the palaestra at the scale of 1:50, while the long, south stoa was drawn at the scale of 1:100.
The periodization of the architectural plans was done based on the chronology of the finds by also taking into account cases where the remains could not be dated accurately but only within broader time spans, as well as the need for a relatively limited number of chronological periods so that the plans are easy to read. With these parameters we defined 10 chronological phases: the first phase is the pre-Hellenistic and basically applies to the Late Archaic remains of the temple of Apollo, the second phase is the 3rd century BCE, the third is from the 2nd century BCE to the middle of the 1st cent.ury CE, the fourth from the middle of the 1st century to the end of the 2nd century CE, the fifth from the 3rd to the middle of the 4th century CE, the sixth from the middle of the 4th to the end of the 5th century CE, the seventh from the 6th to the middle of the 7th century CE, the eight is generally the Hellenistic period (it covers our second and the third phase), the ninth is the Late Roman (covering our sixth and seventh phases), and the tenth refers to remains that we have not been able to date yet.
Dimitris Bartzis, with the assistance of Vaso Evgenikou, prepared photogrammetric sections of all our trenches, and undertook the task of documenting and drawing the spolia and the scattered architectural members recovered by our excavations. We are hoping that by recording and drawing in detail these members, we will be able to assign them to specific buildings, either extant or unknown, in the agora and its surrounding area.