Sikyon Project

Past Research

Ground plan of the excavated monuments of ancient Sikyon.

Previous archaeological research on the plateau aimed at discovering religious and secular monuments in and near the agora of the Hellenistic city. Excavations were first carried out by the American School of Classical Studies in the 1890s and early 1900s, and further excavations by A. Philadelpheus, A. Orlandos, and K. Krystalli-Votsi on behalf of the Archaeological Society from the 1920s to 1950s and again in the 1980s, brought to light a theater, a temple, a palaestra, a bouleuterion and a long portico, all dated to Hellenistic times (Fossum 1905; Philadelpheus 1926; Orlandos 1933-1957; Krystalli-Votsi 1988, 1991). Some of the finds from these and other, mostly rescue, excavations are housed in the local museum, which was established by Orlandos by reconstructing part of a large Roman bath complex. In addition, Lolos' extensive survey (1996-2002) has mapped traces of the fortification wall around the edge of the plateau and the location of the gates, as well as various walls in the intra-mural area, which in conjunction with the excavated monuments prove, that the city was laid out on a grid (Lolos 2011, 274-282).

The ancient theatre of Sikyon.

A. Orlandos with workmen of the excavation of the gymnasium.