From the Northern Plateau we investigated the area to the north of the agora and due east of the stadium (NP67-103). Ceramic densities here show large differentiation to which contributes the different soil conditions and visibility. Higher ceramic concentrations were encountered in certain squares (NP71, 81, 85, 87, 92, 94), and in one area (NP94) the number of sherds exceeds 1,000 per square.
Equally significant is the high density of roof tiles that in certain squares exceed by far the number of sherds. The explanation for this phenomenon, which has also been encountered in other areas of the plateau, seems to lie in the large number of architectural structures spotted in this area. We located and mapped 114 architectural features preserved in situ along with dozens of scattered blocks.
These features usually are walls and corners of buildings and city blocks, but also retaining walls of streets, cisterns, quarries, etc.