The 2008 season was carried out between July 6 and August 3 with the participation of four experienced archaeologists and 14 students. We have covered in total 677 squares, 211 in the Upper Plateau, 292 in the North Plateau and 174 in the South Plateau, which correspond to a total surface area of approximately 20 ha. In addition, we have re-surveyed two tracts (UP50 and NP31), which now had better visibility than when we first surveyed them. Also, we have walked five tracts as Special Tracts (03-07) as well as one Special Interface Tract with three squares at the southeastern knoll of the plateau.
From 2004 to 2008 we have intensively surveyed 2,858 squares, which represent an overall surface area of almost 100 ha and more than half of the plateau of ancient Sikyon that is open to surface survey.
In the storeroom we continued the processing and study of material and data collected during the survey. Field data have been fully entered into an Access database, and all spatial data recorded onto a digital map with the use of ArcGIS. All pottery, which represents the bulk of the collected material, has been washed and stored by area, tract, and square. Almost 75% of it has been recorded and selected sherds have been drawn. Finally progress has been made in fabric analysis with the macroscopic study of the largest body of the ceramics, and the microscopic examination of selected sherds in the Fitch Lab of the British School at Athens.