Ceramic Reference Collection
Tableware: Plate
- Index:
- C 2013-069
- Type:
- Italian Sigillata Conspectus form 3
- Location:
- Room with stone pedestal inside to the SE of the Agora (context 505)
- Condition:
- Fragment
- Dimensions:
- Pr. H.: 0.026m ; Pr. W.: 0.023m ; Body Th.: 0.004m
- Description:
- Small rim fragment. Plate with flaring, straight walls and outward thickened rim with tapered lip. Shallow groove on inside of the rim.
- Decoration:
- Red slip well preserved
- Fabric:
- Fine compact fabric (2.5YR 7/6 light red) with no visible inclusions and voids
- Provenance:
- Italy
- Chronology:
- Mid-1st to mid-2nd c. CE
- Bibliography:
- Conspectus, 56-57, pl. 3
- Notes:
Tableware: Plate
- Index:
- C 2013-132
- Type:
- Italian Sigillata plate
- Location:
- Room with stone pedestal inside to the SE of the Agora (context 509)
- Condition:
- Fragment
- Dimensions:
- Pr. H.: 0.022m ; Base D. (est.): 0.080m ; Base Th.: 0.008m ; Body Th.: 0.006m
- Description:
- Single fragment of the base incrusted on the exterior. Plate with chamfered ring base. Part of horizontal floor/wall preserved
- Decoration:
- Red slip (10R 4/6)
- Fabric:
- Fine clay (2.5YR 74 light reddish brown) with rare medium rounded light brown inclusions
- Provenance:
- Italy
- Chronology:
- 1st to early 2nd century CE
- Bibliography:
- Conspectus, 56-57, 86-89
- Notes:
- Tall foot typically indicates later date (see Conspectus, 86)
Tableware: Plate
- Index:
- C 2018-067
- Type:
- ESA Plate Atlante form 4A
- Location:
- Fill of West Stoa Well 3138 (context 3164)
- Condition:
- Fragment
- Dimensions:
- Pr. H.: 0.025m ; Rim D. (est.): 0.41m
- Description:
- Single fragment preserves part of rim and body. Plate with a flaring wall and vertical rim with tapered, rounded lip.
- Decoration:
- Traces of red glaze all over (10R 5/8)
- Fabric:
- Fine hard clay (2.5Y 8/2 very pale yellow) with rare fine sparkling and rare small subrounded spherical white inclusions, and rare small angular tabular voids
- Provenance:
- Antioch
- Chronology:
- 1st c. BCE
- Bibliography:
- Atlante II, 15-16, nos. 9-10, pl. I
- Notes:
Tableware: Mastos
- Index:
- C 2018-082
- Type:
- ESA Mastos Atlante form 17B
- Location:
- Fill of West Stoa Well 3138 (context 3168)
- Condition:
- Complete Profile
- Dimensions:
- H.: 0.075m ; Base D.: 0.045m ; Lip D.: 0.15m
- Description:
- Twenty joining fragments preserve part of the bottom, most of the body and the lip. Bowl with a round base to a flaring convex body that thickens inward near top of the wall, and then tapers to a vertical rounded lip with interior molding flanked by chann
- Decoration:
- Well-adhering mottled dark red glaze all over, burned black in some places. Double-dipping steak evident on the interior and exterior. Single raised ridge below thickening at the top of the wall and below the lip on the interior
- Fabric:
- Fine very pale brown (10YR 8/2) clay with very rare small subrounded sperical white inclusions, rare fine clear sparkling inclusions and very rare small voids.
- Provenance:
- Antioch
- Chronology:
- Second half of 2nd into 1st c. BCE
- Bibliography:
- Atlante II, 21, no. 4, pl. III
- Notes:
Tableware: Bowl
- Index:
- C 2017-181
- Type:
- ESA bowl Atlante form 22B
- Location:
- Fill of West Stoa Well 3138 (context 3144)
- Condition:
- Complete Profile
- Dimensions:
- H.: 0.045m ; Foot D.: 0.043m ; Lip D.: 0.093m
- Description:
- Two joining fragments preserve all of foot, most of the body and the lip. Bowl with a torus ring foot with a flat resting surface and a deep concave undersurface with a slight nipple at the apex, hemispherical body to a vertical rounded lip.
- Decoration:
- Well-adhering reddish orange glaze all over. Diagonal double dip line on exterior.
- Fabric:
- Fine pinkish white (7.5YR 8/2) clay with very rare angular tabular small dark gray inclusions and rare small voids.
- Provenance:
- Antioch
- Chronology:
- Late 2nd c. BCE to ca 10 A.D
- Bibliography:
- Atlante II, 23, no. 12-13, pl. III (form 22B)
- Notes:
Tableware: Plate
- Index:
- C 2017-114
- Type:
- ESA plate
- Location:
- Passage North of the Kilns to the SE of the Agora (context 1659)
- Condition:
- Complete Profile
- Dimensions:
- H.: 0.046m ; Base D.: 0.19m ; Rim D. (est.): 0.28m
- Description:
- Four joining fragments from plate of complete profile. One-fifth of rim preserved. Plate with ring foot and flat undersurface, convex, outward flaring rim with rounded lip. Wheel marks visible on bottom of the vessel just above for 0.02m.
- Decoration:
- Glaze: 5YR 5/2 to 3/2 (reddish gray to dark reddish brown)
- Fabric:
- Fine very pale brown fabric (10YR 8/4). 2% well sorted fine sand inclusions, rare fine sparkling and rare subangular to subrounded white inclusions
- Provenance:
- Syria
- Chronology:
- First half of the 2nd c. CE
- Bibliography:
- Atlante II, 39, no. 8-10, pl. VII
- Notes:
- Related to Atlante II form 57 but larger. Part of a small group of ESA vessels found in the SE Agora at Sikyon that represent the latest phase of production of the ware.
Tableware: Bowl
- Index:
- C 2014-116
- Type:
- ESA bowl Atlante form 12
- Location:
- Passage North of the Kilns to the SE of the Agora (context 1544)
- Condition:
- Fragment
- Dimensions:
- Pr. H.: 0.028m ; Pr. W.: 0.051m ; Rim D. (est.): 0.16m ; Rim Th.: 0.005m ; Body Th.: 0.005-0.007m
- Description:
- Single fragment. Bowl with flat floor, convex, flaring walls that carinate from the floor and again slightly before the rim, and outward thickened rim with squared lip. Shallow groove below rim.
- Decoration:
- Mottled light red (2.5YR 6/8) to red (2.5YR 4/8) glaze well preserved
- Fabric:
- ESA fabric (10YR 8/3 very pale brown)
- Provenance:
- Syria
- Chronology:
- Third quarter of the 1st century CE
- Bibliography:
- Hayes 1973, 451 no. 124, pl. 85; Slane 1986, 289 no. 67, pl. 65
- Notes:
Tableware: Dish
- Index:
- C 2016-009
- Type:
- Roman ESB dish Atlante form 60
- Location:
- Area West of the Wall 3001 to the NW of the Agora (context 4003)
- Condition:
- Complete Profile
- Dimensions:
- H.: 0.039m ; Rim D. (est.): 0.120m ; Body Th.: 0.005-0.007m
- Description:
- Chip missing from rim. Dish with flat base, straight body, and inturned rim.
- Decoration:
- Light red slip (10R 6/8) preserved on interior and exterior
- Fabric:
- Light red (2.5YR 7/8) fabric with mica
- Provenance:
- Chronology:
- First half of the 2nd c. CE
- Bibliography:
- Atlante II, 64, nos. 5-8, pl. XIV, Agora XXXII, 156, no. 356, fig. 12, pl. 15
- Notes:
Tableware: Dish
- Index:
- C 2013-038
- Type:
- Roman ESB dish Atlante form 80
- Location:
- Central section of the industrial area (area with pressing floor) to the SE of the Agora (1007 - top soil)
- Condition:
- Fragment
- Dimensions:
- Pr. H.: 0.023m ; Pr. W.: 0.042 ; Rim D. (est.): 0.21m
- Description:
- Single rim fragment encrusted. Dish with straight, flaring walls and slightly outward flaring, triangular lip that slopes down toward the interior.
- Decoration:
- Traces of red (10R 5/8) slip on both sides. Pair of grooves mark off the lip on the exterior.
- Fabric:
- Fine reddish yellow (5YR 7/6) fabric with frequent very small rounded silvery micacious inclusions, rare vesicles
- Provenance:
- Chronology:
- Second half of 2nd century CE
- Bibliography:
- Atlante II, 69-70, no. 15, pl. XV ; Agora V, 87, M31, pls. 18, 61 ; Agora XXXII, 152, no. 316, fig. 12
- Notes:
Tableware: Bowl
- Index:
- C 2015-005
- Type:
- ESC bowl Atlante form L19
- Location:
- Room defined from Walls 1038, 542, 1022, 504 to the SE of the Agora (context 559)
- Condition:
- Fragment
- Dimensions:
- Pr. H.: 0.032m ; Pr. W.: 0.068m ; Body Th.: 0.003m
- Description:
- Rim fragment. Bowl with convex body and rim in two degrees.
- Decoration:
- Flaking red slip on interior and exterior (2.5YR 6/8 light red to 10R 4-5/8 red)
- Fabric:
- Light red (2.5YR 7/6) fabric with rare medium white rounded inclusions, few fine vughs
- Provenance:
- Chronology:
- First falf of the 2nd c. CE
- Bibliography:
- Atlante II, 76, no. 6, pl. XVII ; Agora XXXII, 200, no. 793, fig. 24
- Notes:
Tableware: Dish
- Index:
- C 2015-100
- Type:
- ARS dish form 50B
- Location:
- SE Stoa (context 2061)
- Condition:
- Complete Profile
- Dimensions:
- H.: 0.057m ; Pr. D. (max.): 0.327m ; Base D.: 0.25m ; Rim D.: 0.35m
- Description:
- Numerous joining fragments preserve complete profile. Many non-joining fragments along with missing pieces and pick marks. Dish with a very small ring foot, flat floor, flaring convex wall and rounded lip.
- Decoration:
- Light red slip (2.5YR 6/8) preserved all over
- Fabric:
- ARS fabric (2.5YR 6/8 light red)
- Provenance:
- North Africa (Tunisia)
- Chronology:
- 350-400 CE
- Bibliography:
- Hayes 1972, 69-73, no. 60, fig. 12
- Notes:
Tableware: Plate
- Index:
- C 2017-148
- Type:
- ARS plate form 61A
- Location:
- Fill inside the kiln 5057 to the SE of the Agora (Context 5042)
- Condition:
- Complete Profile
- Dimensions:
- H.: 0.035m ; Base Th.: 0.007m ; Rim D. (est.): 0.32m ; Rim Th.: 0.006m ; Body Th.: 0.007m
- Description:
- Two joining fragments from the rim, encrusted. Plate with round, flat resting surface, convex body and inturned rim with tapered lip. Light ridges on interior and exterior of the floor.
- Decoration:
- Red slip (10R 5/8)
- Fabric:
- Fine light red (10R 7/8) fabric with rare small to medium rounded white inclusions, rare spherical voids.
- Provenance:
- Chronology:
- 325 - 400/420 c. CE (dated by parallel)
- Bibliography:
- Hayes 1972, 100-107, no. 18, fig. 17
- Notes:
Tableware: Dish
- Index:
- C 2017-057
- Type:
- ARS dish form 68
- Location:
- NW corner of Perivolos 4 (kilns 5056, 5057) to the SE of the Agora (context 5002)
- Condition:
- Fragment
- Dimensions:
- Pr. H.: 0.041m ; Pr. W.: 0.012m ; Rim D. (est.): 0.46m
- Description:
- Single rim fragment. Chip missing on the exterior of the rim. Dish with flaring, molded rim, offset from convex, flaring walls to form a distinct ledge. Rim thickens to lip with triangular profile. Bottom of rim thickened at one point.
- Decoration:
- Light red to red slip (10R 6/8 to 10R 5/8) partially preserved
- Fabric:
- Fine light red (2.5YR 6/8) fabric with very rare medium rounded spherical white inclusions ; frequent medium and few large vesicles
- Provenance:
- Chronology:
- Late 4th through first quarter of 5th c. CE
- Bibliography:
- Hayes 1972, 116-117, nos. 1, 4-7, fig. 20
- Notes:
Tableware: Dish
- Index:
- C 2015-019
- Type:
- ARS dish form 105-Emporio
- Location:
- Room 2 North of the Kilns to the SE of the Agora (Context 1108)
- Condition:
- Fragment
- Dimensions:
- Pr. H.: 0.056m ; Pr. W.: 0.087m ; Rim D. (est.): 0.32m ; Rim Th.: 0.015 ; Body Th.: 0.006m
- Description:
- Rim fragment. Dish with straight, flaring walls and knobbed rim.
- Decoration:
- Very small amount of red (10R 5/8) slip preserved on interior
- Fabric:
- Red (10R 5/8) fabric with medium to v. large rounded white, few medium rounded gray to greenish gray, rare small rounded spherical dark and rare large to V. large subrounded light brownish red inclusions, few mica ; few fine vesicles
- Provenance:
- Chronology:
- Mid to third quarter of the 7th c. CE
- Bibliography:
- Hayes 1972, 167, no. 15, fig. 32
- Notes:
Tableware: Dish
- Index:
- C 2014-115
- Type:
- LRC dish form 3F
- Location:
- Passage North of the Kilns to the SE of the Agora (context 1544)
- Condition:
- Fragment
- Dimensions:
- Pr. H.: 0.029m ; Pr. W.: 0.047m ; Rim D. (est.): 0.27m ; Rim Th.: 0.022m ; Body Th.: 0.007
- Description:
- Single rim fragment. Dish with flaring, slightly convex walls, outward thickened rim with squared lip and exterior flange. Rim slightly concave on exterior and interior. Rouletting on the exterior of the rim.
- Decoration:
- No slip preserved
- Fabric:
- Light red (2.5YR 7/8) LRC fabric - softer fired.
- Provenance:
- Chronology:
- 6th century CE
- Bibliography:
- Hayes 1972, 329-338, nos. 17-26, fig. 69 (closer to no. 17)
- Notes:
Tableware: Dish
- Index:
- C 2017-054
- Type:
- LRC dish form 10A
- Location:
- NW corner of the Perivolos 4 (kilns 5056, 5057) to the SE of the Agora (context 5002)
- Condition:
- Complete Profile
- Dimensions:
- H.: 0.072m ; Base D.: 0.15m ; Rim D.: 0.28m
- Description:
- Numerous joining and non-joining fragments. Mended. Dish with short ring base, flat floor with slight bump at center, convex flaring walls that become thinner toward rim, and outward thickened rim with rounded lip ; slight overhang over inner wall ; wheel
- Decoration:
- Red (10R 5/8) slip partially preserved on interior and exterior. Stamp at center of floor - cross with four circle motifs between arms, arms with splaying tips.
- Fabric:
- Red (10R 5/8) hard fabric with frequent small to medium subrounded to angular white and rare small angular sparkling inclusions.
- Provenance:
- Western Anatolia (region of Pergamon)
- Chronology:
- Early 7th c. CE
- Bibliography:
- Hayes 1972, 343-346, nos. 1-2, 4, 6, fig. 71 (rim closer to nos. 1-2). Stamp: Hayes 1972, 366-368, nos. P-S, fig. 79 (Type 79)
- Notes: