Wednesday, 25/4/2007
14:00 - 15:30
Guided tour at the Roof Tiles and Brickworks Museum, Tsalapatas Industrial Area
16:30 - 18:00
The Culture and Politics of Mobility in Mediterranean Context
- Chair: Ioanna Laliotou (University of Thessaly)
- Enrica Capussotti (University of Siena)
- Going back "home": Italian cinema, contemporary mobility and the Mediterranean

- Yorgos Kalogeras (Aristotle University of Salonica)
- "Are Armenians white": Reading Elia Kazan's America, America

- Respondents: Eleftheria Deltsou (University of Thessaly), Penelope Papailias (University of Thessaly)
Keynote Lecture
- ̀inna Rozen (Haifa University)
- Greeks and Jews negotiating their Identities
Thursday, 26/4/2007
09:30 - 14:30
Merchants and Merchant Networks in the Mediterranean (15th-18th centuries)
- Chair: Anthony Molho (European University Institute)
- Francisco Appelaniz (European University Institute)
- Une Méditerranée sans diasporas? Reseaux et institutions à Alexandrie d' Egypte (1350-1500)

- Aline Durel (European University Institute)
- Réseaux florentins, réseaux vénitiens: deux façons d'envisager la Méditerranée et son avenir à la fin du XVème siècle

- Mathieu Grenet (European University Institute)
- Beyond diasporas and networks. Greek trade and migration in the Mediterranean, 16th to 19th centuries

- Sakis Gekas (European University Institute)
- Merchants into Businessmen. Ionians before the 'Ionian Phase' of Greek Merchant Networks

- Respondents: Christina Agriantoni (University of Thessaly), Maria Christina Chatziioannou (Institute for Neohellenic Research / National Research Foundation)
16:30 - 20:00
Memories of Coexistence and Conflict
- Chair: Christina Agriantoni (University of Thessaly)
- Yannis Papatheodorou (Greek Open University)
- Mediterranean negotiations: C.P.Kavafy's Hellenism at the crossroads

- Vassiliki Yakoumaki (University of Thessaly)
- On necessary "sensitivities": Building Jewishness in the Greek public sphere

- Ilay Romain Ors (Bilgi University)
- Politiki Kouzina or Cosmopolitanism à la Polita: at the crossroads of memory and nostalgia

- Philip Carabott (King's College London)
- Views and practices on the (co)existence of heteroreligious (Jews, Muslims) and heterodox (Catholics, Evangelicals) in the Greek realm, early nineteenth–early twentieth century

- Respondents: Effi Gazi (University of Thessaly), Rika Benveniste (University of Thessaly), Nikos Stavroulakis
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