Travel information

You may travel from Athens to Volos by:

  1. Private car The distance is 318km. You follow the national road towards Lamia and then towards Larissa. You leave the motorway either at Mikrothives junction or at Velestino junction.
  2. Bus The Public Road Transport Buses (KTEL) operates 11 scheduled services per day. The buses to Volos leave from Liossion Bus Terminal.
  3. Train The Hellenic Railways Organisation (OSE) runs 1 direct service from Athens to Volos and 9 more via Larissa. We strongly reccommend to use Intercity trains (1 direct and 7 via Larissa). The trains leave from Stathmos Larissis.

You may travel from Thessaloniki to Volos by:

  1. Private car The distance is 218km. You follow the national road towards Larissa and then towards Lamia. You leave the motorway either at Velestino junction.
  2. Bus The Public Road Transport Buses (KTEL) operates 8 scheduled services per day. The buses to Volos leave from Macedonia Bus Terminal.
  3. Train The Hellenic Railways Organisation (OSE) runs 14 services from Thessaloniki to Larisa, from where you can catch one of the 12 local seriveces to Volos. We strongly reccommend to use Intercity trains (7 services to Larissa). The trains leave from New Railway Station.

More information can be found:

You may also see a map of downtown Volos [.jpg, 110kB].