2ο Διεθνές Συνέδριο Οικονομικής και Κοινωνικής Ιστορίας

Οι "Αγορές" και η Πολιτική
Ιδιωτικά συμφέροντα και δημόσια εξουσία (18ος-20ός αιώνας)

Βόλος, 10-12 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

To σκεπτικό του συνεδρίου Οργανωτές και χορηγοί Συμμετέχοντες Το πρόγραμμα του συνεδρίου Το πρακτικά του συνεδρίου


Minna Rozen Capital and Power and the “Big Fire”

The proposed paper will display the interplay between major Jewish entrepreneurs in Salonika, the Jewish Community and the Greek Government , which led to the replanning of Thessaloniki following the "Big Fire" of 1917.
The use made by the Modiano family of their economic power and their political influence inside the Jewish community in order to influence its members to accept a settlement beneficial for the Modiano interests and unbeneficial to the interests of the majority of the community members is the main subject of the paper. The paper is based on the archives of the Jewish Community, The archives of the Conjoint Committee for Foreign Affairs of the Jewish Communities of Great Britain, published documents from the Archives of the Greek Foreign Ministry, and newspapers of the period.
