Paper abstract

The Athenian warrior burrials in the Early Iron Age

D´ Onofrio Anna Maria

The male warrior burials of the early iron Age constitute a conspicuous feature of the archaeological record of this period and offer a well studied and relevant corpus of evidence. The variability of the arms and their association (as well as that of the grave types and of the offers or the position of the burials in the general topographical context of the settlement and cemeteries) is remarkable and seems to indicate both tactical and cultural differences. Role and ethnicity are the main categories currently involved in the interpretation of this archaeological record. The case of Athens appears worth of a careful re-examination, starting from the Areopagus “AR II” warrior grave (whose iron sword and bronze spearhead, according to E. Smithson “an antique, salvaged from a disturbed Mycenean burial” are known only from the daybook sketches of the Dorpfeld excavations of 1897). The analysis of the Athenian warrior burials and of their “relevant context” will lead us to understand better the peculiarity of the Athenian burials, their relationship with the other regional patterns and especially with the euboic series.

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