Instructions to authors

The papers presented at the conference will be published fairly promptly, doubtless in two volumes. The languages accepted are those used during the conference (Greek, English and French), though if you face difficulties in writing your text in one of these languages, German and Italian would be also acceptable. You are kindly asked to provide a copy of your text (WORD format - PC or MAC), and any illustrations, tables, captions, etc., each in a separate file, on disk (CD), together with a print out. Please keep formatting to a minimum, but indicate clearly sub-headings and paragraphs.

For bibliographic references, you are asked to use the "author–date" system inside the text, with the full bibliographic references at the end of your paper. Footnotes should not be used for citations, and should in general be kept to a minimum. The numbers of the footnotes should precede punctuation marks.

Your text, in all (bibliography inclusive) should not exceed 15 pages (pitch 12, one and a half line spacing). If you are including images, these should not exceed 12. We ask you to pay close attention to the following guidelines.

Please send your papers to the following address:

Laboratory of Archaeology
c/o A. Mazarakis Ainian (Dark Ages Revisited Acts)
University of Thessaly
Argonafton and Filellinon
382 21, Volos

Texts (but not the illustrations!) should be sent also via e-mail in order to be able to verify that all papers have been received.

We look forward to receiving your contribution by 31 January 2008, at the latest.

Instructions for bibliographic referencing

References in text
Examples for bibliography at the end of paper

Guidelines for illustrations

All images should be numbered as Figures (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, etc.)

The printed parts of the book are going to be in black and white, and care should be taken that any images submitted show what they are supposed to when printed in greyscale. Where possible, please supply digital illustrations on CD at high resolutions (above 300dpi), but if you are supplying original, hardcopy, artwork, whether photos or drawings, please label each item clearly.

Acceptable image formats:

Most of you prepared Powerpoint presentations, for which low resolution images were necessary, otherwise images may not appear on the screen. If you saved illustrations in lower resolution for the presentation, please make sure you submit the original high resolution image/plan/map you created, as the resulting low resolution images are not suitable for publication. Similarly, any of the file types listed below are NOT suitable for publication:

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