Organizers and sponsors
- Department of History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology of the University of Thessaly
- Municipal Center for History Research and Documentation of Volos
- EKPOL, Perfecture of Magnesia
- Municipality of Aesonia
- "Pedio" Publications
- Programme of Postgraduate Studies of the Department of History, Archeaology and Social Anthropology, University of Thessaly
- 1.Research Comittee of University of Thessaly
- 1.Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religion
Organizing Commitee
- Evangelos Avdikos, University of Thessaly
- Evangelos Zacharopoulos, EKPOL
- M.G. Meraklis, University of Athensa
- Jenny Moraiti, University of Thessaly
- Selia nikolaidou, University of Thessaly
- Elsa Papazoglou, University of Thessaly
- Christos Papakostas, University of Thessaly
- Walter Puchner, University of Athensa
- Apostolos Phoenikopoulos, Vice-mayor of Culture, Municipality of Volos
Secreteriat and Support
- Stavroula Gaga
- George Kouzas
- Eleftheria Spandonidou
- Isidora Trivella