
Emilia Salvano
University of Athens
Personal and collective memories of migration in times of crisis. The adventures of the Pakistani migrant’s community of memory in Athens

This paper aims at tracing the way migrants already settled in Athens for more or less two decades, develop new subjectivities and collectivities in the context of the economic crisis. In this token, they are considered as agents, rather than merely a social group undergoing the consequences of the economic crisis. Working mainly around three cores – the way they renegotiate their memory especially regarding their working experiences in Greece, the way they articulate a narrative for the post-colonial condition of their country of origin (and its connection with economic break-down) and the way they negotiate the new migration mobility, we will attempt to explore the ways in which the economic, social and political consequences of the crisis are translated into a locally defined migrant community. Furthermore, we will attempt to trace the way the migrants’ collectivity is re-negotiated, on the basis of their members’ (redefined) expectations for economic and social integration in the host societies.

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