
Christina Adamou, Yannis Vlachopoulos, Pavlos Pantazis, Mayia Tsamprou
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The chronicle of a long winter

The paper looks into a documentary that we are filming (which combines the observation documentary mode with the militant and the self-reflective mode, alluding to cinema verite) and will focus on extracts where our co-investigators ‘talk’ about their life-experiences of the crisis. The ‘speeches’ of our co-investigators are (mainly) realised through the filming and analysis of oral history and through the filming of everyday life. Our analysis brings to light a complex relationship between oral speech, subjectivity and corporeality of participants, that transgresses analogous relationships defined by sound recordings of interviews. We also discuss oral history within the context of co-investigation that is necessary for the creation of the documentary. (The project is being funded by the John S. Latsis Public Benefit Foundation. The sole responsibility for the content lies with its author/s.)

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