
Ioannis Kolakis
Historical Library of Chios
Conversions to Islam and the massacre of Chios. Grey identities: the example of Ibrahim Edhem Pasha and Mustapha Khaznadar

Research concerning the massacre of Chios has not thoroughly examined the case of people forced to convert to Islam. In our research the combination of oral testimonies and archival evidence fills in the gaps and clears up the confusion in the existing literature. Examples that are being examined:
Ibrahim Edhem Paşa (1819-1893) Ottoman Great Vizier (Sadrazam). Elements concerning birth and family identity are ascertained and a different image from the one other than has been accepted up till now is presented about his relationship to his family and birthplace in Chios.
Mustapha Kharnadar (1817-1878) Great Vizier of Tunisia (Sadrazam). Aspects from his personal experience in captivity are presented here. Thus, one can comprehend the tactics of power abuse and the motives for benevolent acts to Christian relatives in Chios and to the Greek community of Tunisia.

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